Steve's Book Stuff Has Moved!

Steve's Book Stuff Has Moved!

  Hi Everybody! I have an exciting and important announcement! (Well at least for me...) Starting in July of 2023 Steve's Book Stuff has switched from a Blog to a Newsletter. Check it out at the  new home page  and subscribe to receive continuing book reviews and other stuff.

Review: Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man

Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man by Mary L. Trump
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

There aren't a lot of things in this book that anyone paying attention over the last four years wasn't already aware of; and many of the "revelations" (i.e. Donald paid someone else to take his SATs) have pretty quickly made their way out to the twitterverse and cable news shows. Yet to read it all in the words of a member of the family (and a trained psychologist to boot) is well worth your time, even if only as an overview of dysfunction within an American family. At just over 200 pages it's a pretty quick read.